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Insane Hockey Mom? lmao

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:51 pm
by Singin the BLUES ... -the-detr/

We've all known overbearing parents who get a little too involved in their child's sports. But this story takes it to another level.
A judge in British Columbia has issued a restraining order to prevent the mother of two junior players from contacting her son's coaches, principals, teachers, and anyone else involved in their sport programs.
But it gets even weirder. She is also barred from contacting the Detroit Red Wings organization after she sent 13 separate emails regarding her disapproval of head coach Mike Babcock's involvement with her son's team.
Apparently the mother is a serial emailer, having sent hundreds of messages to every conceivable person involved in her sons hockey careers and has even assaulted another parent at a game. The unrelenting harassment had gotten so bad that her sons were prevented from participating by coaches and ownership.
The restraining order was filed at the request of the children's father as part of their divorce proceedings, claiming mental harm and embarrassment on the boys behalf. The women, who remains nameless, does not have custody of her children at this time but has been granted visitation rights.
Hopefully this mom gets some sort of professional help. You have to feel sorry for the children involved.

h/t to Josh Cooper at Puck Daddy