5QF - Christmas Edition

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Virtual Jarmo
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5QF - Christmas Edition

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

1. What's your favorite gift that you got for somebody else this year?

2. What are you hoping to open on Xmas morning?

3, Approximately how many of your Christmases have been white? And, no, I'm not talking about the racial makeup of your family.

4. Does anybody truly hate Christmas? Why?

5. Is there a better Christmas album than A Twisted Sister Christmas?

Bonus question: What happened that made you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: 5QF - Christmas Edition

Post by Penguin »

1. What's your favorite gift that you got for somebody else this year?

Only bought for my girlfriend and she wanted a very expensive perfume (Diesel Loverdose it's called...). Wasn't fun to buy it and she knows what it is so won't be fun to give. :roll:

2. What are you hoping to open on Xmas morning?

Nothing! My parents are too lazy to buy gifts anymore so they give out money!

3. Approximately how many of your Christmases have been white? And, no, I'm not talking about the racial makeup of your family.

I've only had 1 Christmas without snow!

4. Does anybody truly hate Christmas? Why?

No. Christmas is always nice. Miss being a kid though.

5. Is there a better Christmas album than A Twisted Sister Christmas?

Bonus question: What happened that made you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?

Rocking around the Christmas tree.

Bonus answer: Don't remember.

Montreal Canadiens

Re: 5QF - Christmas Edition

Post by Montreal Canadiens »

1. What's your favorite gift that you got for somebody else this year?

I got my girlfriend an underwater digital camera, and Mario Kart for the WII which she has been wanting for like over a year now haha.

2. What are you hoping to open on Xmas morning?

Besides money for my trip to Vegas.......not much....clothes and UFC Personal Trainer would be sweet.

3, Approximately how many of your Christmases have been white? And, no, I'm not talking about the racial makeup of your family.

None that I can remember, maybe when I was young.

4. Does anybody truly hate Christmas? Why?

Nope, it's quite an expensive holiday, but either than that, always good to be with family and have a feast.

5. Is there a better Christmas album than A Twisted Sister Christmas?

No comment.

Bonus question: What happened that made you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?

The only thing I can rememeber about being told is that my dad said to me, "Do you really think there is a 7 foot bunny that sneaks inside your house and puts chocolate around?" When he told me about Santa not being real (plus the easter bunny). Shocker special. Also brought up the point about how "Santa" gets to every house around the world in about 8 hours.
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GM Office Q
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Re: 5QF - Christmas Edition

Post by GM Office Q »

1. Bought some funny stuff for my girlfriend.
2. Just happy not to be in Ottawa!
3. About 25%.
4. Nope.
5. Not sure what that is.
Bonus: I figured it out simultaneously with the tooth fairy - I figured something wasn't quite true about these infinitely fast overnight visits, so once I didn't tell my parents that I lost a tooth and I put it under my pillow - woke up and the tooth was still there. :lol:
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Re: 5QF - Christmas Edition

Post by SharksGM »

1. I made an artistic rendering of my cat. Oh, and I gues Marlies tickets for a game at the ACC.
2. I don't need nothing.
3. I dunno, maybe half of them? I suppose I could google but I'm too lazy.
4. Not when it actually arrives but during November I sure do.
5. Is there a good Christmas album?
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Virtual Jarmo
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Re: 5QF - Christmas Edition

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

1. What's your favorite gift that you got for somebody else this year?

Probably the Christmas tree made out of seashells that we got my sister who loves tropical themed things. It had no price tag on it, so after 10 minutes of searching for someone, I just picked up the phone and paged them myself. Guy calls around to other stores in the area and comes back with a price of $14.99. I tell him some of these fake pearls have fallen off and we'll have to replace them. He says he can give it to us for $12.

I saw it at another store on Tuesday night. For $34.99.

2. What are you hoping to open on Xmas morning?

Didn't really ask for anything for Xmas. So I have no idea.

3, Approximately how many of your Christmases have been white? And, no, I'm not talking about the racial makeup of your family.

Maybe two or three? We had 14 inches of snow back in 2004. Haven't had a white Christmas since.

4. Does anybody truly hate Christmas? Why?

Probably somewhere. Because they are lonely assholes who nobody wants to be around.

5. Is there a better Christmas album than A Twisted Sister Christmas?

Hell no.

Bonus question: What happened that made you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?

Noticed that Santa's handwriting on the note I left him looked exactly like my father's. I was probably 8. He moved out when I was 9 and the handwriting changed, cementing my notion that Santa was not real.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide
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