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Post by Penguin »

What's going on with the Draft? Is it almost done being edited? Are we allowed trading? Any particular attention to the EHEC Awards for this season.. Do we let the game decide, or do we vote? What happened with AHL playoffs?

Thanks fellas!
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Re: Updates?

Post by Jets GM »

AHL playoffs were scrapped due to gamefile issues iirc, next year hopefully.
Most recent file here.

Re: Updates?

Post by Bruins »

I'm all for doing the awards ourselves. No way Ovechkin should be winning the Lady Byng. If there's interest I'd volunteer to tally votes.

Re: Updates?

Post by Penguin »

Sounds good.
Might as well be in charge of the whole thing if you have time (compile stats, nominate players, post pictures of the trophies, etc)! It would give the Staff a little break when they get back from MIA.

Re: Updates?

Post by BSBullies »

The Committee has set up a meeting for tomorrow evening where we'll be addressing league issues: deciding a sim schedule for the offseason, breaking down parts of the draft class so it gets done quickly and tying up loose ends from this past season. Thanks for the patience everyone.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

First thing I'm going to say is that if GMs are unhappy with how things are being run, there is absolutely nothing forcing you to stay. Everybody knew going in to the start of the league that it would work on a real-time calendar basis. There have been zero surprises with that. So, if the few of you who have voiced displeasure want to leave, I encourage you to keep the door open long enough to get all the way through it without bruising your ass on the way out.

Second of all, there is no hurry whatsoever. The vibe I got was that there is very little interest in a summer tournament and even some of the more active GMs were advocating a summer break. Whatever the consensus decides is what we will do.

Third, like the rest of you, we are entitled to a break of our own. It's summer time. There's shit going on. I've already been to a handful of cookouts, a 40th birthday party, graduation parties of family and friends of family, several baseball games, two vacations, and have other things upcoming this week. Again, all of you knew this going in to a real-time schedule. Perhaps we could have given updates sooner, and I realize that teams who were not in the playoffs are getting anxious, but this is a league founded upon patience. We wanted to strive for realism and we are. I assume things will pick up with the trading of draft picks and other assets.

Our meeting will discuss what Ryan said plus when to end the moratorium on trading. I expect it will be in the near future. But, I will say this. Several teams haven't even bothered to sign their impending free agents. If your comrades as GMs aren't going to put in the effort, why should we? It's a two-way street. Some of you have been active all along and we appreciate that. We understand it's hard to be active during our playoff format and sim schedule if you aren't involved. So it means that much more to us for the GMs that have been. If you notice somebody slacking on their duties, send along a message, a PM, whatever.

Be patient with the process. September's a long way away, we understand that. But we definitely will not give credence to posts like the ones that have been deleted in this thread. If you feel a certain way and want to voice that opinion, if we disagree with it or it undermines this league, the people running it, or fellow GMs, you are very replaceable.
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Re: Updates?

Post by TorontoGM »

Trust me, I'm patient but there is nothing wrong with being frustrated with the fact that a week after the final was simmed there was still ZERO word from any staff member on anything relating to a summer plan, the draft/draft lottery or when trading might be re-opened. To be honest, I could care less how long we have to wait but whats wrong with wanting to know when everything is going to be done?

In no way shape or form, am I trying to undermine anyone or this league. Sorry if it came out the wrong way.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Jets GM »

This isn't directed to anyone, but respond to your PM's! Even if its quick "no ty" or "not interested" it lets the other guy know he's going to have to look elsewhere. Everyone has been checking in (except DET GM who hasn't been online since April) so everyone is obviously pretty active. Most people like to do things last minute, setting deadlines for things (contract offers, draftee ratings, trading) will get people more active and get some more action around here.

I'd be happy to help out creating/rating the draftee's fyi. I hope we keep in mind we have a pretty tough gamefile (tons of sub 70 con players), idc really but a bunch 2nd/3rd rounders being better then good NHL players irl in a few years would kinda suck. We all know a players CON is the most important number right? ;)

Will the off-season activity rewards (if any) be decided? i.e CON/ceiling boosts. I'll probably sim like 2-3 different gamefiles seeing the affects they have on different players, so more time the better.
Most recent file here.

Re: Updates?

Post by Penguin »

I'm sorry too if it came out the wrong way. ;)

As a great staff team, you got us used to knowing what's going on all the time so I was worried that there was no word at all after the cup, like Mike pointed out. I thought you were going to pull a Banaszak!

I'm also very anxious also for next season! My main focus will be to try to get more guys from my past leagues throughout the summer.

Re: Updates?

Post by CapsGM »

The only thing I disagree with is that a player finishing sixth in league scoring while missing six games and had just 18 penalty minutes is being questioned about contention for the Lady Byng. The guy was such a gentleman that he let Sergei Zinovjev take his place at the Olympics!
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

You guys will have that update tonight and it should quell all your fears.

Matt, we've already invested far too much time to "pull a Banaszak". No doubt it is a thankless position to put in a lot of work on something that may or may not be appreciated in the long run. Mostly, my post was frustration based due to that. Obviously, as a lot of you know, doing this for an online sim league is a rather thankless job. You don't get those hours back and really, it's hard to get a lot out of it besides the respect of the GMs. It'd be great if this job paid.

Everything's going to come together as it has all along in the league. It may be taking more time to do so than some of you like, but it'll all be done and everybody will be happy in the end.

Again, we'll have that update for you tonight.
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Re: Updates?

Post by TorontoGM »

I'll give you 200 Canadian dollars if you make sure I get the first overall pick. :D

Re: Updates?

Post by Tuo-SabresGM »

Alright guys, updates are here. Hopefully it's enough to satiate everyone.

First, I want to start off apologizing to everyone for my lack of activity the last few weeks. Since my girlfriend started school in May, I've been swamped hardcore getting her to and fro, working two jobs myself, helping my mom with outdoor work around the house she bought late last year (which is turning out to be a hair-pulling project), dealing with my beyond troublesome car that both crapped the bed at one point and saved my ass (literally), and doing all of this on an average of 4 hours of sleep a night. Regardless, I need and want to find more time for the league, so I don't want anyone to assume that I or anyone else on the Committee are abandoning this glorious child of ours. I'm also not trying to play the pity card here, so please don't think I'm trying to completely justify my lack of appearances, I just want to let everyone know where I'm personally at right now, to help keep communication strong within the league. Don't hesitate to drop me a PM or email if you don't see me around here. I'll find the time.

Anywho, to league business. It has been decided that the target date for the Draft is June 25th. The *hope* and plan right now is to have the draft class compiled by the 21st to give GMs some time to scout. Adam will be dealing with the bulk of it, as is my understanding, but Ryan and I will pitch in to get it done ASAP. That being said, we all know the draft is the 18th in-game. Thus, we have decided that starting tomorrow, we will begin simming one day at a time as per usual (picking up from the 6th), and that should leave us with an in-game date of the 17th on the real-life date of the 25th. We will be doing a 2-day on, 2-day off sim schedule between Ryan and myself, with Ryan beginning the sim tomorrow. For example, Ryan will sim Tuesday and Wednesday, I will take Thursday and Friday, and so forth. To be safe, PM any special instructions to both of us, just in case.

- For the awards, we are asking if our "sub-Committee" (I believe Pat, Parker, and someone else, or anyone really interested) would be willing to step up and handle the league awards, collecting nominations, votes, etc. from the GMs.

- I honestly didn't get a specific date for the draft lottery, but rest assured it will be done very soon.

- No specified date for trading either, but the plan thus far is to have it re-instated by the end of the week. This could change, but I don't forsee it being prolonged.

If I missed anything, I'm sure Adam or Ryan will fill you all in. Again, hopefully this was the info everyone wanted to know. We all appreciate your patience, and understand the frustrations on all ends. Like any good relationship, we'll go through our bumps and bruises and get through it. We've gone through some during the season, and it only made things stronger. I expect the same to result here. Thanks everyone.

Re: Updates?

Post by Penguin »

Great stuff Nicky!

I feel you with the 4 hour of sleep nights.

Re: Updates?

Post by Parker »

Good to hear that work on the draft is getting underway, but is there any way to tweak the dates so we can have a little more time to scout before the draft? Normally a GM would have an entire game year to put together a comprehensive draft strategy; four days seems like not very much time (especially in my case as I'll be working those four days and will have a maximum of about an hour each evening to do my scouting. I don't think anyone would have a problem with holding the draft a little later if it got us more time for scouting and evaluation. Just my two cents.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

As far as I'm concerned, I think the four days is plenty of time because you'll ready only have to have your first round pick decided on by then. I don't know what kind of time limits we're giving on picks, but there's a very good chance that the first round will take 2-3 days.

If there's more outcry for longer scouting times, I have no problem with that. We're not going to release the entire draft class all at once, though.

The way I've been doing it is by the CSS Mid-season rankings. Obviously, the end of season rankings are out already. But, the players are, for all intents and purposes, going in to the file based on how well-rated they are. So really, while we're simming days in EHEC, there will be more draftees in the file each time. So, by the 21st or whatever, the only guys remaining from the file will be the lower round selections. And those rounds probably won't be started until at least the last couple days of June, maybe even July.

I had a job interview and have tickets to a musical and a date with my fiance today, so I haven't been able to do it, but I will be getting instructions on how I'm doing it to Nick and Ryan tonight when I get back and we'll be getting a good chunk done between tomorrow and Thursday. Even if we aren't simming that day, I will upload an updated file with draftees and post here that the file has been updated so that you can download the new one.

Also, expect the trade freeze to be lifted on Thursday.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by Penguin »

Ouuuuuu Thursday will be a big day in Pittsburgh :o
Jungle Cats

Re: Updates?

Post by Jungle Cats »

Welllllllll, I did just spend a couple hours scouting the existing draft...but that was far from exhaustive, and if you're tweaking it anyway, those of us with a bucket of picks can't complain too much, surely.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Jets GM »

jw about possible bonuses/rewards for the off-season?
Most recent file here.

Re: Updates?

Post by BSBullies »

Alright guys, I've just finished simming the 7th and uploaded http://www.ehechockey.com/EHEC.zip. Any transactions have been entered, as Adam said we'll be opening trading in a couple days 8-)
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Tampa Bay GM wrote:jw about possible bonuses/rewards for the off-season?
We'll probably start with reach arounds and expand from there.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Jets GM »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:
Tampa Bay GM wrote:jw about possible bonuses/rewards for the off-season?
We'll probably start with reach arounds and expand from there.
circle jerks ftw
Most recent file here.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Anybody have an opinion on what the time limit should be to pick? After that you get the BPA as rated by EHM's rankings.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by BSBullies »

June 8th has been uploaded to the downloads section, no activity posted but did update some contracts. Get your offers in everyone.
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Re: Updates?

Post by SharksGM »

How about we do the awards voting on the forums here? I assume you can make anonymous polls with single votes here... not sure if you can hide the results though, if that's important to anyone. Maybe one round of nominations and another of voting on the top 3 vote-getters?

For the draft, how about 12 hours per pick for the first round? If it takes too long it can always be cut down afterwards or for the later rounds.

Re: Updates?

Post by Penguin »

12h sounds good.

I'll be in charge of the Awards. The nominees will be announced tomorrow night! (Friday around 6PM East)
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Anybody know where I can find a draft lottery simulator? The link to the one on Fhockey's forums is dead. If anybody still has it and can email it over, that would be sweet.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by NashvilleGM »

Can't find one, but what you can do is roll a die.

Example, if the Oilers have 50% of getting the 1st pick, Panthers 30 and Flames 20,

you roll a 100 face die and if the number is 1 to 50, oilers, 51 to 80 panthers and 81 to 100 flames.

Something like that...

Re: Updates?

Post by NashvilleGM »

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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

NashvilleGM wrote:Finally found something:

I saw this too, but I have no idea what's going on with it.

These are the draft lottery odds, though: http://www.mynhldraft.com/NHL-Draft-Lottery/
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by NashvilleGM »

100 faced die:

25.0% - 77-100
18.8% - 58-76
14.2% - 44-57
10.7% - 33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43
8.1% - 25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32
6.2% - 19-20-21-22-23-24
4.7% - 14-15-16-17-18
3.6% - 10-11-12-13
2.7% - 7-8-9
2.1% - 6-7
1.5% - 4-5
1.1% - 3
0.8% - 2
0.5% - 1

It seems complicated tho, let's say I roll a 16. 7th place is now 3rd
Then I roll a 85, 1st stays first
Then I roll a 55, 3rd goes 2nd. 2nd cannot move down more than 1 spot so he takes 3rd and 7th goes 4th ( ????).
Then it goes on, 4 cannot move up and can only go down 1 spot so he gets 5
5 gets 6
6 gets 7.

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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Right now, I'm hoping I can do some digging and find somebody with the simulator. It would make it a hell of a lot easier.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

The trades forum is now unlocked. Please be patient with our rulings as we will be hard at work on the draft class.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by DevilsGM »

Tampa Bay GM wrote:
Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:
Tampa Bay GM wrote:jw about possible bonuses/rewards for the off-season?
We'll probably start with reach arounds and expand from there.
circle jerks ftw
last one to go has to eat the cracker :lol:
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have updated the file with about 20 European draftees. That makes about 90 draftees in the file currently. We're making great progress. As I went through EHM's CSB, I noticed that there were more draftees in there than I thought, but most of them are 5/6 POT and 5/6 CON guys. I left them in there as filler for the later rounds. I also removed the duplicate Derek Forbort.

If you guys come across any omissions, wrong birthdates, etc., please let me know. The end of season CSB rankings are very different from the midterm CSS ones were.

Note that the trading forum is unlocked and you guys should all update your Trade Blocks and let's get the activity back up around here. Like I said upthread, please be patient with us in approving trades.

Nick is having severe car trouble, including blowing out the power steering. He will dedicate what time he can to his portion of the draft, but when I finish mine, I'll just continue plodding along to help him out. Like I said, we may not have the whole thing done by the 21st, given that this weekend happens to be my fiance and my 5th anniversary of knowing each other and one year of being engaged, plus a grad party on Saturday. But, I will do what I can, and so will Nick and Ryan.

Ryan will be doing the goaltenders by removing the shittiest FAs from the file. We will also be doing this if we need more room for draft-eligibles.

Nick has the lottery simulator, but it has definite bugs, including not understanding trades. We will do what we can to get the lottery done. I know that it makes a big difference in some trade conversations, and I apologize for that. I'll be out for tonight at my niece's dance recital (WOOOO!), but I plan on doing more draftees before I go and some more tomorrow during the day.

I hope everybody received the mass email I sent out today to get everybody back to the boards and prepping for the draft. I'll be posting a poll later on about how long we want time limits to be. Or, I may just claim a dictatorship and decide on my own. Either way, you will know within the next couple days.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by Penguin »

Congrats on the 5 years! 3 GMs are interested in the league! Should give you a little motivation to put in all this work. ;)

Re: Updates?

Post by Tuo-SabresGM »

June 9th is updated and posted.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Penguin wrote:Congrats on the 5 years! 3 GMs are interested in the league! Should give you a little motivation to put in all this work. ;)
I just answered you offline.

Also, Matt, have them fill out the applications just so we have something on file for them.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by CapsGM »

Tampa Bay GM wrote:This isn't directed to anyone, but respond to your PM's! Even if its quick "no ty" or "not interested" it lets the other guy know he's going to have to look elsewhere.

Come on, people. It's blatantly easy for a GM to see if the other GM has checked the message he's received.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »


File is updated with 30 more European draftees. I believe there are 118 draftees total, so half of the CSB in EHM is real-life draftees now. Ryan has sent me over the list of the 38 players he will be overwriting to include goaltenders. Seems NHL CSB only has 38 goaltenders listed for this year's draft. I still think that's plenty. With 125 NA and 125 Euro skaters, we'll have 288 players spread over 7 rounds (210 picks). The other 78 guys will float around in EHM mediocrity until the WJCs, and then probably be re-written in a few years or fill out AHL rosters.

I'd like any feedback that you guys can give me on what's been done so far. Is the draft too strong? Is there enough variance amongst the players? Etc.

And I agree with Tim. I sent out the mass email yesterday and several of our GMs have just ignored it. ATL will be replaced in the next day or so. DET and ANA are on very thin ice unless they come around today or tomorrow. We have some candidates waiting in the wings. STL also has not been very active in the process so far. So he is also on very thin ice.

I'll be sending a second email tonight or tomorrow to those individuals who have not responded and, if they do not respond, we will go on without them so that the incoming GM has a chance to study the draft before making their selections.
Adam Burke
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Re: Updates?

Post by Jets GM »

I still see draftee's like Kelvin Bui, Lex Jelso and Karel Sznak. Those are game-gens right? Do we have a list of real life draftee's so I'm only scouting players irl?
Most recent file here.

Re: Updates?

Post by WildGM »

Good to see that things are on track. I've been stuck at camp for a good two months, I've had no time do anything lol....sorry about the inactivity.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Tampa Bay GM wrote:I still see draftee's like Kelvin Bui, Lex Jelso and Karel Sznak. Those are game-gens right? Do we have a list of real life draftee's so I'm only scouting players irl?
Yes, those are game gen.

Here's the list of real-life draftees so far. The player ID is following. You don't need to worry about that, it's just for our records.
  • Taylor Hall: 2900
    Tyler Seguin: 939
    Kirill Kabanov: 2601
    Jack Campbell: 950
    Mikael Granlund: 1780
    Riley Sheahan: 3265
    Brett Connolly: 182
    Vladimir Tarasenko: 949
    Cam Fowler: 2859
    Maxim Kitsyn: 295
    Ryan Johansen: 3291
    Teemu Pulkkinen: 504
    Nick Bjugstad: 3289
    Stanislav Galiev: 214
    Tyler Toffoli: 343
    Jeff Skinner: 1099
    Jacob Berglund: 958
    Alexander Burmistrov: 607
    Ryan Martindale: 956
    Joey Hishon: 2860
    Jordan Weal: 1035
    Emerson Etem: 1013
    Tom Kuhnhackl: 579
    Nino Niederreiter: 967
    Adam Pettersson: 1023
    Austin Watson: 1737
    Evgeny Kuznetsov: 288
    John McFarland: 215
    Tyler Pitlick: 1377
    Brock Nelson: 1590
    Kevin Hayes: 1326
    Brandon Gormley: 2313
    Ryan Spooner: 966
    Steve Shipley: 1027
    Ben Duffy: 1025
    Ivan Telegin: 1837
    Charlie Coyle: 1316
    Jonathon Merrill: 1303
    Derek Forbort: 3270
    Quinton Howden: 1031
    Erik Gudbranson: 275
    Billy Arnold: 1048
    Stephen Silas: 983
    Mark Stone: 1036
    Mark Pysyk: 930
    Dylan McIlrath: 4
    Stephen Johns: 1010
    Samuel Carrier: 556
    Colton Stephenson: 317
    Bryce Hagan: 194
    Ryley Miller: 1041
    Danny Biega: 3380
    Cody Castro: 664
    Tyler Gron: 2749
    Mark Owuya: 3425
    Kruise Reddick: 3466
    Toni Ritter: 3465
    Ilmari Pitkanen: 3464
    Nikolai Suslo: 1093
    Lukas Stoop: 1781
    Jan Piskacek: 231
    Sebastien Erixon: 3449
    Collin Bowman: 923
    Jesse Jyrkkio: 3424
    Anton Myllari: 755
    Vitaly Karamnov: 493
    Calle Jarnkrok: 3470
    Ludvig Rensfeldt: 3387
    Oscar Lindberg: 3341
    Martin Marincin: 3340
    Patrik Nemeth: 3335
    Alexei Marchenko: 3322
    Nikita Zaytsev: 3318
    Joonas Donskoi: 3297
    Jonathan Johansson: 3140
    Vladislav Kartayev: 3133
    Victor Ohman: 3130
    Nikita Gusev: 3128
    Mikael Salmivirta: 3123
    Petter Granberg: 3020
    Sergei Barbashev: 2989
    Mirko Hoefflin: 2986
    Bohuml Jank: 2980
    Patrick Cehlin: 2979
    Alexander Gogolev: 2963
    Sebastien Wannstrom: 2953
    Johan Alm: 2932
    Gaetan Haas: 2920
    Sebastien Ottosson: 2917
    Joel Vermin: 2846
    Artemy Panarin: 2843
    Jesper Farth: 2830
    Johan Larsson: 2809
    Tim Heed: 2805
    Tomas Filippi: 2797
    Joakim Nordstrom: 2787
    Lars Neher: 2761
    Yaroslav Alshevsky: 2730
    Erik Thorell: 2719
    Julius Junttila: 2701
    Pavel Kulikov: 2651
    Lukas Cingel: 2547
    Janos Hari: 2527
    Dominik Simcak: 2508
    Daniel Gunnarsson: 2505
    Andreas Dahlstrom: 2475
    Artem Voronin: 2473
    Vyacheslav Kulemin: 2426
    Daniel Krejci: 2424
    David Elsner: 2408
    Ricard Blidstrand: 2354
    Simon Lof: 2315
    Jani Hakanpaa: 2314
    Bogdan Kiselevich: 2257
    Teemu Rautiainen: 2249
    Petr Zamorsky: 2246
    Nikolai Nikontsev: 2229
    Aleksi Laakso: 2214
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Re: Updates?

Post by DaveG-Canes »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:http://www.ehechockey.com/EHEC.zip

File is updated with 30 more European draftees. I believe there are 118 draftees total, so half of the CSB in EHM is real-life draftees now. Ryan has sent me over the list of the 38 players he will be overwriting to include goaltenders. Seems NHL CSB only has 38 goaltenders listed for this year's draft. I still think that's plenty. With 125 NA and 125 Euro skaters, we'll have 288 players spread over 7 rounds (210 picks). The other 78 guys will float around in EHM mediocrity until the WJCs, and then probably be re-written in a few years or fill out AHL rosters.

I'd like any feedback that you guys can give me on what's been done so far. Is the draft too strong? Is there enough variance amongst the players? Etc.

And I agree with Tim. I sent out the mass email yesterday and several of our GMs have just ignored it. ATL will be replaced in the next day or so. DET and ANA are on very thin ice unless they come around today or tomorrow. We have some candidates waiting in the wings. STL also has not been very active in the process so far. So he is also on very thin ice.

I'll be sending a second email tonight or tomorrow to those individuals who have not responded and, if they do not respond, we will go on without them so that the incoming GM has a chance to study the draft before making their selections.
I'm checking out the real draftees so far, so I'll be able to give you a good sense for how things go in a day or two there. Definitely like that we're running with real players instead of a mix of real and game gens.


just from looking over the top 30 or so real skaters the biggest standout to me is that Skinner is probably a good bit underrated. Definitely needs a ceilings fix upwards. On the other end I would say Marincin is probably overrated a bit in terms of his offensive ceilings.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

I think Skinner was in the file before I started messing with it. IIRC, he's had a big jump in the rankings over this past year. It's possible that I may not have touched him at all. I'll take a look. On Marincin, he's 10th in CSB among Euro skaters right now. His OF ceilings may be above his talent level, but I felt that 65 OF and 75 DF was top 25 pick worthy. If you feel like I should go more with 56-58 OF and 80-82 DF, that can certainly be arranged.

Anyway, 15 more Euros to the draft class.
  • Pontus Netterberg: 2202
    Bernhard Keil: 2199
    Iiro Pakarinen: 2195
    Arvid Stromberg: 2188
    Viktor Svedberg: 2187
    Juraj Petro: 2185
    Teemu Eronen: 2174
    Mauro Jorg: 2131
    Gal Koren: 2121
    Stanislav Bocharov: 2109
    Maxim Berezin: 2098
    Nils Andersson: 2087
    Lukas Kozak: 2075
    Corey Mapes: 2072
    Marek Racuk: 2044
File has been updated in advance of tonight's sim.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: Updates?

Post by CapsGM »

Are you going to adjust Kabanov in any way to account for his Moncton/WJC douchebaggery?
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

CapsGM wrote:Are you going to adjust Kabanov in any way to account for his Moncton/WJC douchebaggery?
There's not really an attitude marker in EHM, unfortunately, and there's no doubt that the kid has talent. I'm trying to think of a way to reflect his douchebaggery and still keep his talent at a high level. I will probably just lower his consistency and up his greed.

I might take him down a notch from being a mid 80s OF player and a high 60s-low 70s DF player to better reflect where he'll probably get drafted.
Adam Burke
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

To those in the bottom 14 of the league standings, Nick and I are going to try and run the draft lottery live at 12 tomorrow in the Cbox. The password is e-h-e-c-c-b-o-x, minus the dashes. So if you want to be there live for the draft lottery, check in at 12 EST tomorrow, 6/19.
Adam Burke
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Re: Updates?

Post by TorontoGM »

Damnnnnn, I gotta work tmw. Go leafs! Haha
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Virtual Jarmo
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Re: Updates?

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Nick didn't post, but the file has been updated.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide
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